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              <h1><a href="#screenshots">Work Permit (Canada)  </a></h1>
              <p class="lead">Work Permit (Canada) Candidates must be UNSKILLED WORKERS <br> Quebec, Canada, Other</p>
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          <h1>Company Description</h1>
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            <p class="lead">Global REX fisheries Ltd. is a world leader in the employment services industry; creating and 

delivering services that enable clients to win in the changing world of work. Celebrating 2 

years in 2010, This well-managed company offers employers a range of services for the entire 

employment and business cycl...</p>
		  <table width="650" border="0" cellpadding="5" style="border:#CCC 1px solid; padding:10px; margin-left:20%">
    <td height="38" colspan="3" align="center"><strong>Additional  Information</strong></td>
    <td width="184">Last updated</td>
    <td width="31">:</td>
    <td width="397">01/01/2014</td>
    <td>Job type</td>
    <td>Full time</td>
    <td>Position type</td>
    <td> duration</td>
    <td>2 Years</td>
    <td>Minimum experience</td>
    <td>With or Without experience</td>
    <td>At least High School Diploma (According demand letter/Job)</td>
    <td>According to Company Norms</td>
    <td>Jobs in Freshers Jobs</td>
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        <h1>Work Permit (Canada) Candidates must be UNSKILLED WORKERS </h1>
		<h3>Quebec, Canada, Other</h3>
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		<p class="lead"><strong>Job  Description</strong><br />
  Work Permit (Canada)<br />
  <br />
  <strong>Candidates must be UNSKILLED WORKERS</strong><br />
  <strong>Location :- </strong> Quebec, Canada<br />
  <strong>Position :- </strong> Fish packing / Fish Cleaning/Fish Cutting / Fish storage for delivery <br />
  <strong>Salary :- </strong>10 Canadian Dollar per hour for unskilled worker.<br />
  <strong>Overtime :- </strong>14 Canadian Dollar per hour.<br />
  <strong>Other benefits :- </strong> Accommodation, Medical, Transportation, Vacation (28.5 days per year),
Insurance & pension according to Laws provided by the company.<br />
  <strong>Working hours :- </strong> 8 hours, 6 days a week,  2 years contract period,  W1 visa will be provided<br />
  <strong>Processing time :- </strong> 6 to 7 months<br />
  <strong>Service charges :- </strong> 6,00,000 Taka six lakhs (including VISA, Emigration & Flight Charges)
Canadian Dollar 400 to be paid advance along with passport (Non Refundable CA Dollar 100 If
visa  denied by Immigration Authority ) and rest of the amount after VISA & Air tickets.
For unskilled worker no experience or qualification required direct selection without interview.
Fair communication in English. <br />

  <strong>Please find the procedure below :- </strong><br /> Procedures for Visa, firstly the company will obtain the CAQ

Certificate from the Ministry of Quebec after which company will proceed to get the LMO 

Certificate then EMIGRATION CLEARANCE and WORK PERMIT VISA. CAQ is called the 

certificate of acceptance in Quebec and anybody that want to live and work in Quebec Canada 

must possess this certificate before the work permit visa will be issued to the person, the LMO 

means Labour Market Opinion and it must also be possess by the candidates that want to work 

before the work permit visa will be approved. The CAQ and LMO are the two vital documents 

that must be obtained before work permit visa could be issued. Without the CAQ certificate the 

LMO will not be issued because the CAQ certificate is the certificate that will enable company 

to file for the LMO. The CAQ certificates takes twelve weeks to get and the LMO takes eight 

weeks. The candidates are requested to make a deposit of Canadian Dollar 650 as advance, then 

we will provide the contract letter from the employer and then we will proceed and apply for the above vacancy.</p>
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          <h3>Jobs from this company</h3>
          <p class="lead">
            <strong>Kitchen  Helper, Cook,</strong><strong> AC Technician required in Leading Company  Sales and Service,</strong> <strong>Nurse, Nursing Supervisor, Kinder  garten teacher</strong><strong>,</strong><a href="" target="_blank" title="Click to view the job opening">FOREMAN :(ELECTRICAL,MECHANICAL,AUTOMOTIVE)</a><br>
            <strong>Office Address: </strong>Global REX fisheries Ltd, 01 
			<strong>Tara Vista Street, Calgary, NE,T3j4s3, AB, Canada.</strong> <br> 
			<strong>Web: </strong> <br>
			<strong>E-mail: </strong><br>
			<strong>Dhaka  Office:</strong> Contact Person Mr. Bahar, H # 15,R # 128, Gulshan-01,Dhaka. </p>
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              <p><small>Copyright 2014, Global REX fisheries Ltd</small></p>
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